Sports Physio Kent

The benefit of sports and keeping active are numerous but the physical demands can lead to injuries. Sports Physio can facilitate the healing process as well prevent further issues.

The range of sports injuries aided by Sports Physio is vast but is primarily focused on treatment of muscular pain, strains and the rehabilitation process following fractures and breaks in the bones or muscle and ligament tears.

Muscular Pain: Aches and pains can be eased using specific trigger point massage and myofascial techniques which will reduce tension around the affected muscles, reduce stiffness and increase blood flow.

Strains: Strains can be painful but usually wear off in a short period of time. If the strain is more serious and limits or prohibits muscle movement, Sports Physio may be necessary but should be carried out after a period of 72 hours, this gives time for the injury to subside slightly.

Muscle Tears: A muscle tear can put you out of action for a long period of time. During the healing process Sports Physio can help to manage pain and increase strength and flexibility in the affected area by means of gradual exercise and stretching. Soft tissue techniques and electrotherapy will also effective in facilitating the healing process.

Fractures and Breaks: Following a fracture or break the area will need to heal. Once the healing process is underway, Sports Physio exercises and stretches will gradually help to restore the affected area to normal.

Repetitive Strain Injuries: Conditions such as tennis elbow may require Sports Physio, the treatment is used to control and reduce pain and facilitate healing and normal function of the tendon using specific rehabilitation exercises.

Call us today with any sports injury queries or to book an appointment.


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