COVID-19 – Home working

With controls measures in place for COVID-19 a lot of people are finding themselves working from home.

This presents several challenges. Some around the workspace itself and the equipment people may or may not have. There are also other factors such as a lack of social contact with colleagues and if you have kids at home, managing home schooling!

The HSE offers guidance to employers and employees on what to consider for temporary home working.

Adapting the home environment to work safely and comfortably can be quite simple and inexpensive. Some useful things to consider if you don’t have a home office set up; Sit at the dining table or kitchen table and use a chair with a back to it, use a cushion for extra back support if needed. Try and use a separate screen if you have one. Or use some books to raise your laptop up and then use a separate keyboard and mouse.

Try to establish a routine each day, getting up, getting dressed and working or finding things to keep you occupied and productive. Arrange video calls with colleagues and friends to help feel connected to others.

Manage your time, if home schooling this might need to be done around other things so be realistic on what you can manage to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

And finally – move! Try and move every 45-60 mins at least.

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