Shoulder pain

The shoulder is a very important joint in many sports.  It is an extremely mobile joint and relies on good muscle control to maintain stability.

Repetitive movements place considerable stress on the shoulder and can lead to injuries through incorrect technique or biomechanics.  The shoulder is also easily injured in contact sports.

The most common injuries that occur at the shoulder are:

Tendinitis occurs as a result of overuse and/or poor biomechanics.  Treatment may involve avoiding the aggravating activity, ice, ultra-sound therapy and soft tissue mobilisations.  If there are biomechanical these must be assessed and corrected through a structured programme which will involve specific exercises.

Impingement occurs when there is a trapping of the tendons of the rotator cuff between the humerus and the end of the collar bone.  The problem can be further complicated by irregular bony outgrowths which are often present in older people.

When the arm is moved upwards and rotated inwards (e.g. freestyle swimming) the soft tissues are compressed.  Repeated movement and compression leads to inflammation and swelling, which further increases the impingement.

The causes of Shoulder Pain are numerous and injuries need to be accurately diagnosed before the appropriate treatment can be implemented.  In addition to this any technical or biomechanical problems should be fully assessed by your Physiotherapist.

Call us today to arrange an assessment with one of our experienced Physiotherapists.


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