DSE set up – common problems and solutions

Employees not taking sufficient breaks from DSE work: Sitting in the same position for hours can lead to aches and pains. Taking short pauses from DSE work will help you to work more efficiently and reduce the risk of harm. This may mean getting a drink of water, photocopying something or talking to a colleague instead of emailing them.

  • Sitting too low: Unsurprisingly people adjust their seat so that their feet are flat on the floor, but this can mean that their arms are too low for the keyboard, resulting in hunched shoulders – leading to and neck and shoulder pain. Raise your chair so that your lower arm is level with the desk, the forearms should rest on the desk, off loading the shoulder and neck muscles. If you can’t rest your feet comfortably on the floor you need a foot rest.
  • Discomfort from using the mouse: People can experience discomfort in their arm, shoulder or hand. This may be because they stretch their arm to reach the mouse or grip the mouse tightly. Place the mouse close to you, so that it can be used with a relaxed arm and straight wrist. Ensure you support your arm lightly on the desk surface.
  • Headaches and blurred vision: This is often caused by prolonged use of the computer. Glare on the screen, bright areas (e.g. windows) in the field of view or a dirty or unclear screen can also lead to eye strain. So take regular breaks, use blinds to shield windows and keep your screen clear. Also, as we get older our eyesight gets worse. You are likely to notice this most when working on the computer. If you use the computer regularly as part of your work you can have an eye test paid for by the workplace.
  • Pregnancy: If you are pregnant you will need to review your DSE set up. This may mean tilting the set pan forwards slightly to help make room for a growing ‘bump’ and/or adjusting the lumbar support to accommodate any changes in your posture.

If you feel that you or others in your workplace would benefit from a workplace assessment contact us today.


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